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Orders ready for delivery take up to 4 business days to be posted to the carrier. The time is informed when the customer chooses the shipping option at the time of payment.

International shipping, you can choose between two options at the time of purchase: express or economy shipping. Both show delivery times and prices at checkout.

If your country is not available at checkout, please contact us for more information.

Frete nacional: é possível calcular o frete pela calculadora do site, via PAC, Sedex ou minifrete.




The production and shipping deadline is informed along with the budget for approval.



We are not responsible for carrier delays, but we will support you throughout this process until it is resolved.



Buyers are responsible for any applicable customs fees and import taxes in your country.

We are not responsible for customs delays, there is nothing we can do, it is often a natural procedure.

We will help in every possible way to resolve the situation.



The reason why the order was not delivered will be analyzed with the responsible carrier. If the postman is not answered and delivery attempts are unsuccessful, payment will need to be made to resend the jewelry.


It is important to always keep the address updated and correct, if there is any incorrect data and the package is returned, a new shipping charge will be charged to resend it.

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